Friday, July 17, 2009

Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players

Posted by David
What goes along perfectly with watching family slides of people you don’t know and speculating on what their lives are like? You guessed it, a free onion. That’s right, when we arrived at R.A. Fountain on Thursday to watch The Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players we were promptly given each a free onion. If that doesn’t sound a bit odd to you, then maybe the Trachetenburg Family Slideshow Players won’t either. The Trachtenburg family consists of a mother (Tina), father (Jason), and daughter (Rachael). The family acquires slides from yard sales and uses a slide projector to project these family slides (of people they don’t know) and make up songs about them, speculating on what the people might be like and how their lives might have been. Curious on how this plays out? Watch this video of when they performed on the Conan O’ Brian Show a few years back.

The Trachtenberg Family Slideshow Players performed “Look At Me” (the song seen in the above video) at R.A. Fountain on Thursday, however, there were a few more…um…revealing slides included however, that the audience was not expecting.

The group was entertaining and we had a lot of fun. The daughter has her own children’s television show and she performed a few solo songs on Ukulele while her mother animates felt figures on a felt board, creating a music video of sorts. This video shows an example of what one of these felt board songs are like.

Lady Blanche an acoustic folk singer, opened up for the group. The audience enjoyed her song about a friend that wishes for the universe to bring her the perfect man. The song lists all the qualities a perfect man should have. This was the longest song of her entire set. A lady that sat behind us bought a copy of Lady Blanche’s newest album, and I might be mistaken, but it looks like each album comes wrapped in a free pair of men’s briefs??

If you ever get an opportunity to see the Trachtenburg Family Slide Show Players I guarantee it will be a show you won’t soon forget. I will not guarantee however, that you will receive a free onion upon entering the venue. The occasional free onion is just one of those little things that make R. A. Fountain first-rate.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy 2nd of July! (Or, Celebrating Independence Day Early)

Posted by Jenny
Every year we celebrate Independence Day with our families at the fireworks display held at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. This year the event was held a little early, on July 2nd.
The pin on my collar says, "Kiss Me, I'm American"
Before nightfall, the festivities begin around 6:00 with games for the kids, yummy hot dogs and ice cream, delicious free popcorn from the Boy Scouts, and live entertainment.

The kid in me couldn't resist getting a glow necklace!
(And a grape sno-cone, which is why you don't see my teeth in this picture!)

This year’s entertainment featured Stephen Cochran. As a former Marine, he was proud to help his fellow armed forces celebrate independence, and man did he rock out with his awesome band.

Happy Independence Day! God Bless America!