Friday, May 15, 2009

Center Street Jam with the Coastline Band

Posted by Jennifer
During the summer months, the Downton Goldsboro Development Corporation hosts a free concert every couple of weeks just off of Center Street. David's Aunt Mary and Uncle Danny happened to be in town visiting so it seemed only right to take them downtown for an evening of entertainment by Jim Quick and the Coastline Band. We hadn't heard Coastline before but we were impressed by their tight sound.

Jenny couldn't resist the festival atmosphere so she had her face painted. If only she could have talked David into getting his face painted like Spiderman...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Eastern North Carolina Bluegrass Association

Posted by Jennifer
David and Jennifer left Greenville and ECU commencement traffic to meet Jennifer's parents for dinner before going to this month's installment of the ENCBA jam at Lenoir Community College. Between Golden Corral and LCC, a classic car show at the Right Way diner and gas station caught their eye and they couldn't resist stopping to admire the beautiful cars of days gone by.

They certainly weren't expecting this car, however. Having adored the '57 Chevy Bel Aire since childhood, Jennifer immediately knew something wasn't quite right here- and unique barely begins to describe it. What are your thoughts?

David and Jennifer eventually made their way to LCC where they jammed with friends and Jennifer's parents won the drawing for the anniversary cake.