Thursday, February 4, 2010

Snow Day Sessions

Posted by David

Being snowed-in this past weekend has been a great opportunity for us as we were able to spend lots of time in the studio working on the album. We were able to complete the recording part of several songs. There is still some mixing to do on these songs but the performing part is done.

Jennifer was having so much fun playing saxophone on Wayfaring Stranger that she actually broke her instrument. Nothing that isn’t repairable fortunately. Things were much safer when she was playing the penny whistle on God Made Me and You. She also sang her lead and backing vocals on several songs. When backing vocals were needed by both of us, we decided to sing them live together rather than on separate tracks. By doing this, the backing vocals sound more natural to us.

So far we have been able to capture just the right sound that we wanted. Wayfaring Stranger has a nice sparse jazzy feel to it, the recording of God Mad Me and You has the classic folk children’s song sound we wanted, and Cordelia’s Waltz is---well---creepy. Hopefully when the strings are added to Cordelia’s Waltz during our next recording session it will be even spookier.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to purchasing the final product!
